Abortion is Injustice

Join us as we educate and save lives in our community!


Abortion is the #1 cause of death in the black community.

More than all of the other causes - combined.


About Us

We are women who bear in our bodies and minds the traumatic scars of abortion. For many this topic is a contentious issue. For us it is an emergency. While our nation rationalizes, accepts or ignores the practice of abortion, our experiences deny us such complacency. We feel a sense of responsibility to our sisters. We offer our reputations, and our stories in the hope that they may aid in the healing and rescue of others.

The Time is Now!

We advocate for the lives of all children. Yet, the fight for life reveals an inescapably sad reality, black unborn children receive little advocacy from the black community. Reasons aside, our silence is deadly. Our fearless presence is needed.  We are calling on our leaders, especially pastors, and believers to actively adopt a kingdom perspective. Do justice for the unborn, and fight for our women who are being wrecked by abortion. Reject the death culture bestowed upon us, and fight for our lives. Don’t wait for government to fix this blight among us. Let's govern ourselves with God’s wisdom, and work to see more black children born.


How We Got Here

As America finally acknowledges the racist history of the “birth control” movement, can we ignore the statistics which continue to prove its deadly effectiveness? The birth control movement was a cleverly disguised eugenics program. The suppression of black birth rates was critical to it. Abortion is the logical and tragic outcome of that suppression. It was never help or justice for anyone involved. It was and continues to be population control of the “unfit.” It is death masquerading as hope that robs the world of the treasure of humanity.